Basic keyboard piano
Basic keyboard piano

basic keyboard piano

  • withClefSelection: Bool - default true.
  • Sets whether buttons are displayed to select the note length (like half, quarter, eigth, etc.)
  • withNoteSelection: Bool - default true.
  • Sets whether on the left and right side of the keyboard arrows buttons are displayed for the user to shift octaves up or down
  • withShiftButtons: Bool - default true.
  • Sets whether the first keys of each octave have labels indicating their pitch Use the octaves object to select an octave like octaves.C4
  • startOctave: the lowest displayed octovate.
  • To create a piano keyboard you use the functionįunction htmlForKeyboardWithOctaves ( numberOfOctaves, startOctave, showLabels, withShiftButtons, withNoteSelection, withClefSelection ) The svgNotesForPlaineEasieCode function takes a Plaine & Easie code and returns the notes rendered in SVG format using the Verovio Toolkit.

    basic keyboard piano

    In the updateNotesSVG() the codes in that array are joined to a single string and sent to the svgNotesForPlaineEasieCode() function.

    basic keyboard piano

    The updatePreviewWithNote() function takes the last played note in Plaine and Easie format and appends it to the plaineEasieCodes array. This creates a piano keyboard in the keyboardContainer and adds a callback function updatePreviewWithNote() that is called whenever a key is pressed on the keyboard.

    Basic keyboard piano